Friday, 3 May 2013

The UKIP Earthquake

A Plague on All Your Houses
This was the verdict of the people in the Council Elections of 2nd May 2013. Politicians have said a lot about "Broken Britain" but none of them ever take responsibility for having broken the nation. Despite centuries of Parliamentary democracy the political machinery of government in this country is far removed from 'government of the people by the people'. It is dominated by a professional political elite who listen to no one outside the Westminster bubble.
What are your views on this article by Dr Clifford Hill?

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The Nonconformity of Margaret Thatcher

Millions of words have been written about Margaret Thatcher since her death but few commentators have recognised the significance of her Nonconformist Christianity. Many have focused on her impact upon the social structure of Britain and her economic and political policies, but there has been little acknowledgment of the true source of her convictions which lay in her Methodist upbringing.

What are your views on this article by Dr Clifford Hill?